Selling Thru A Real Estate Agent

Selling your property can be complicated and time consuming. Problems can arise at any stage in the process, and may cause long delays, easily up to 4 to 5 months. For example, the buyer may reduce their offer at the eleventh hour or even pull out before the signing of the Sale & Purchase Agreement, the conditions of the sale may not be agreeable to you or the buyer faces problems in securing mortgage.


You also got to pay 3% commission to the real estate agent if they successfully sell your home. There are a lot of other matters and details to each of the steps that you need to be aware of. Below is a summary of the selling process.

Step 1: Determining the price of your property

Step 2: Choosing to work with an estate agent

Step 3: Appointing your solicitors

Step 4: Marketing your property

Step 5: Viewings

Step 6: Accepting an offer

Step 7: Drafting of the Sale & Purchase Agreement

Step 8: Executing the Sale & Purchase Agreement